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True Evil!

In a few words, describe yourself as though you are the villain of the story. Don't forget that you are pure evil, as bad as devil's spawn. 

- Let your creative juices flow in that lovely head of yours!

- Make it short, like 700 words approximately. (I know 700 is not short, but who cares?)

- Do whatever! Kill, kidnap, dog-nap, steal, sabotage or my personal favorite - possess! 

I'd love to read as many evil stories as possible because I know you all are great writers and wonderful thinkers.

In a few words, describe yourself as though you are the villain of the story. Don't forget that you are pure evil, as bad as devil's spawn. 

- Let your creative juices flow in that lovely head of yours!

- Make it short, like 700 words approximately. (I know 700 is not short, but who cares?)

- Do whatever! Kill, kidnap, dog-nap, steal, sabotage or my personal favorite - possess! 

I'd love to read as many evil stories as possible because I know you all are great writers and wonderful thinkers.