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  • Writer
    University student in the midst of one of two states of being - procrastination, or grasping at productivity.
    Being the quiet thing I have become, my use of language has deteriorated as of late. It is my goal to reclaim at least some of it through practice!

    When I get sucked into a good book, I won't leave the comfort of a blanket or my room for sometimes days on end, foregoing as much of real life as can be managed in favour of immersion in a whole new world. Fiction books are a dangerous drug...
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Realm Of The Mad God

One day, a mad God of a mad world decides that he is bored. So he crashes the moon into the Earth. What comes next is a revealing of a dream-like insanity that courses through the world, exposing random people, creatures and situations that you would never be able to imagine!

I'm writing this story to display the stuff of my dreams. Ever since I put my imaginative works on the back-burner, my dreams have become more surreal and honestly terrifying. The dream of the Mad God is the last straw, and so is born a nonsensical collection of narratives that make no sense. And those that do make sense are just dreams I had but more fleshed out.

Also, I make no apologies for the contents of this unnamed Mad God's dream world.