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Nicholas Scriptor
Joined Jan 24, 2022
Nicholas Scriptor
Leisure Writer Reader
From Italy Born 24th Jan 1930
Writer's Blog
Nicholas Scriptor
2 weeks ago 4

Just Mae - died last month, sorry you missed the funeral
2 weeks ago
Nicholas Scriptor - Been to way too many of mine. I'll bring flowers.
1 week ago
Panzer - Salutations, Nich!

Read your response to Mira; I hope your summer gets better. Also, good luck with retaking the SAT. Crossing my fingers you get the score you want.
2 weeks ago
Panzer - @Nicholas Scriptor, Hope you get your 1350 then.

Oh, I’m definitely enjoying the sun, totally not crisping in the heat like a victorian vampire. Other than that , I’ve been alright.

How are you today?
2 weeks ago
Nicholas Scriptor - How've you been? Enjoy the sun cranked at max temp?
2 weeks ago
Nicholas Scriptor - :skull: Definitely not making myself aim for a 1350
2 weeks ago

I'm dead mentally, hru?
2 weeks ago
Nicholas Scriptor - Honestly? Ready to get back to writing. Been studying to retake the SAT, and just having a meh summer. Thankfully, I have someone that helps me get through this.
2 weeks ago
Nicholas Scriptor
2 months ago 7

Panzer - I hope you are too, Nich. Have a good day!
2 months ago
Mira - oh heyy man its been a while since ive seen u
2 months ago
Rfrog27 - 😮
2 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
3 months ago 0
Nicholas Scriptor
4 months ago 2

Panzer - Indeed.
4 months ago
Rfrog27 - Omg the old man on at 10:30 pm
4 months ago
Rfrog27 - YAY! @Nicholas Scriptor,
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - @Rfrog27, Wow, you really are my grandchild.
4 months ago
@Nicholas Scriptor,
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - @Rfrog27, 1: Cope. 2: Sleep soon. 3: Seriously, you'll need it. 4: :D
4 months ago
Rfrog27 - @Nicholas Scriptor,1: rude. 2: its 10:30 here. 3: yes but I can’t sleep. 4: U UNDISOWNED ME 🥹
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - 1: Shut your trap. 2: It's 9:30. 3: Shouldn't you be sleeping? 4: Welcome back to the family.
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
left a comment on Issue 0 of Ruin
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
4 months ago 5

4 months ago
bunnybear - lazy. but ima start doing some work now,
4 months ago
2ignature Sm1ley-Face - Ecstatic! I submitted two assignments 24 minutes before the due date!


(My bed is calling to me, night night)
4 months ago
Panzer - Tired, and you?
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
4 months ago 2

Nicholas Scriptor - Why was it a bad idea? If it's something you want to do, you should give it a real chance first. Also, does this mean you have a 3D binaural microphone? If so, then that's freaking awesome!
4 months ago
- @Jay Ellis, Good point!
4 months ago
- @Nicholas Scriptor, Just keep at it. The benefit of a brand new channel is that you have the ability to experiment and find your groove without the pressure of a fan base telling you what you should do.
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - LOL! Wouldn't that be cool? Nope, just me and my computer microphone, slowly working through this. One day, perhaps.
4 months ago
♡geni♡ - Sharing is caring
4 months ago
Mira - feel free to share the chanell...
4 months ago
Rfrog27 - Old man + asmr = no
4 months ago
Panzer - You have a AsMr channel? Since when?
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - When I first made the channel XD@Panzer,
4 months ago
Panzer - @Nicholas Scriptor, Oh, dear. Well, did things go wrong?
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - Since I decided it'd be fun to try. January, because it's the best time to try new things. The only downside is that if it goes wrong, you have a 12 month supply of regret.
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
left a comment on Issue 0 of Ruin
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
left a comment on Issue 0 of Ruin
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
has joined as a challenger of Ruin
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
4 months ago 5

Cha Cha Montgomery - Hey no shame in advertising when given the chance lol
4 months ago
- ♪º•·․⨯
4 months ago
Friday_ - Congrats! When I have some time, I'll give it a look 🙂
4 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
5 months ago 5

RampantStrawberry - real except its been like 3 years 
5 months ago
Lamington - Keep at it ❤️
5 months ago
Panzer - Can't wait to read your publishes again. Also, nice profile picture.
5 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
5 months ago 7

<Mother_Snow> - bro im a freshman and the upper clansmen give me the food
5 months ago
<Mother_Snow> - upper class man sorry@Nicholas Scriptor,
5 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - clansmen?
5 months ago
Rfrog27 - Oof
5 months ago
RampantStrawberry - aren't we like the same age 😭
also can relate. food>>> 
5 months ago
RampantStrawberry - @Nicholas Scriptor, good 😂
5 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - @RampantStrawberry, Nah, I don't think you've been canonized like that.
5 months ago
RampantStrawberry - @Nicholas Scriptor, i hope that doesnt make me a grandma 🤣
5 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - Exactly. My grandpa persona is taking over.
5 months ago
Panzer - What type of food?
5 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor - @Panzer, JELLY! THE BEST!!!~~
5 months ago
Panzer - @Nicholas Scriptor, I can see why, what type?
5 months ago
5 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
5 months ago 0
Nicholas Scriptor
left a comment on Issue 0 of Pass the Pen: Horror
5 months ago
Nicholas Scriptor
has joined as a challenger of Pass the Pen: Horror
5 months ago