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Karey Wong
Joined Oct 6, 2016
Karey Wong
Leisure Writer Reader
From Hong Kong Female
Karey Wong
has joined as a challenger of 宣傳、自介、排版、練習
3 years ago
Karey Wong
has published Issue 1 - 序幕 of 七星之願
6 years ago 1
Karey Wong
has joined as a challenger of PENANA x PAPERIZE 小說創作比賽
6 years ago
Karey Wong
left a comment on Issue 0 of 七星之願
6 years ago
Karey Wong
has edited Issue 0 of 七星之願
7 years ago
Karey Wong
has edited Issue 2 of 七星之願
7 years ago
Karey Wong
has joined as a challenger of 為什麼你會寫小說呢?
7 years ago
Karey Wong
has edited Issue 2 of 七星之願
7 years ago
Karey Wong
left a comment on Issue 0 of 中秋月餅爭奪戰
7 years ago
Karey Wong
left a comment on Issue 0 of 中秋月餅爭奪戰
7 years ago
Karey Wong
left a comment on Issue 0 of 中秋月餅爭奪戰
7 years ago
Karey Wong
left a comment on Issue 0 of 中秋月餅爭奪戰
7 years ago
Karey Wong
left a comment on Issue 0 of 中秋月餅爭奪戰
7 years ago
Karey Wong
left a comment on Issue 1 - 序幕 of 七星之願
7 years ago