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Joined Feb 28, 2023
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From United States Born 25th Jun High School
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3 days ago 0

3 days ago 1

Thelongspoon - The outlaw would have been doing this for years and the bounty hunter the same. They would never see eye to eye. Both would be ready to kill each other. 
3 days ago
Thelongspoon - @ Ashy_Haze, Well most writers do psychoactive drugs when they're struggling to come up with something original 
17 hours ago
Ashy_Haze - @Thelongspoon, Damn. You found my inspiration. I dunno, I’m hoping to not have it too similar, but I struggle a lot of times with things like that. Curse of trying to imitate things I like, I guess.
18 hours ago
Thelongspoon - @ Ashy_Haze, Isn't that a bit too similar to red dead redemption? 
2 days ago
Ashy_Haze - Wait- I messed up the wording, sorry. The bounty hunter and outlaw are the same man. Sorry, it’s the same guy, he’s just willing to do anything for money, even if it means turning in outlaws like himself. 
2 days ago
Ashy_Haze - Hint: The title is called “The Cold and the Kind” and is set in the Wild West where a bounty hunter- well, think Mandalorian in the old west
3 days ago
Thelongspoon - Don't cop out and make them some pure hearted good guy that never does wrong.

This is an outlaw from the wild west. Most those guys would murder people to pay for prostitutes and whiskey. 

I'm not saying go that far but be mindful of the roots of your subject matter. 
1 day ago
6 days ago 5

Mira - omg I'm so late but happy birthday!!! Can't wait for the new books tooooooooo
4 days ago
Ashy_Haze - Thankssss 
4 days ago
2ignature Sm1ley-Face - Happy Birthdayyyy!!!! 🎉🥳🎊
4 days ago
Ashy_Haze - Thank you!!!
4 days ago
Lamington - Happy birthday! Hope it's amazing for you 
4 days ago
Ashy_Haze - Thank you!!!
4 days ago
bunnybear - happy birthday!!
4 days ago
Ashy_Haze - Thank you so much!
4 days ago
Thelongspoon - You should read blood meridian if you want good cowboy inspiration 
6 days ago
Ashy_Haze - Thanks for the tip! I’ll put it on my TBR
5 days ago
1 month ago 0

Ashy_Haze - My first account was ItsAmelia. Is that what you mean?
6 days ago
Ashy_Haze - @Thelongspoon, ok!
2 days ago
Thelongspoon - @ Ashy_Haze, Anyway I wanna help you with your cowboy story 
3 days ago
Thelongspoon - @ Ashy_Haze, Dont do crack 
3 days ago
Ashy_Haze - @Thelongspoon, Well, good luck in college? I’m gonna be a senior in high school this year
3 days ago
Thelongspoon - @ Ashy_Haze, I'm in college. I am 18. I can buy any drug I want. 
3 days ago
Ashy_Haze - @Thelongspoon, How are you doing lately? I can’t remember what grade you’re in, but if you were a senior last year, I hope graduation went well :)
3 days ago
Thelongspoon - @ Ashy_Haze, In the flesh and sinew. 
3 days ago
Ashy_Haze - @Thelongspoon, …Ryan?
4 days ago
Thelongspoon - @ Ashy_Haze, Won at life baby. I got insomnia, I have two jobs I hate, a rotting tooth that causes me immense pain, an addiction to alcohol nicotine and painkillers.

I made it. 
4 days ago
Ashy_Haze - @Thelongspoon, Who…won what?
4 days ago
Thelongspoon - @ Ashy_Haze, I'm the one who won 
4 days ago
Ashy_Haze - @Thelongspoon, Can you help remind me?
5 days ago
Thelongspoon - Hey Amelia. You probably don't remember me. 
6 days ago
liked Issue 0 of Amnesia
1 month ago
left a comment on Issue 13 - Closing Remarks of Ruin
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